Sunday, November 18, 2012

How To Clean The Touch Screen ?

Almost all the gadgets, in particular tablet and eReader using the touch screen. So the gadget display the most frequently touched your fingertips. While the fingertips are not always clean, when used on a touch screen. Then the touch screen tends to be dirty parts.

How do you clean the touch screen?

01. To clean the touch screen, prepare microfibres cloth or fabric that has a high level of softness and contains no fiber.

02. In addition, prepare a cleaning fluid touchscreen. Do not change the cleaning solution with a liquid glass cleaner as it may damage the sensitive element contained in the touch screen.

03. Turn off your tablet first. In addition to avoiding short-circuit, it can help you find that there is a dirty spot on the touch screen.

04. Clean the touch screen with the cloth you are still dry microfibres. Do the small circle, then extends to all areas of the touch screen, do it gently - no pressure.

05. Once the touch screen is really clean of dust, continue to use the touch screen cleaning fluid. Cleaning fluid touch screen serves to remove fingerprint smudges and grease remnants that may be attached to the touch screen.

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